Our reports are designed to provide a real time overview of your practice’s financial health
At DocFinancial we are pretty obsessed with data. The reason is that we know that when you can access your data, you are armed to make important decisions. By compiling easy-to-absorb reports that give you the important metrics you need. Which procedures are the most profitable? Which providers have the most rewarding case load? Which insurers offer best payments for specific procedures. How can we back up our negotiations with hospitals or insurers?
We want your data to be approachable, actionable and understandable
Put this way, can you afford NOT to have DocFinancial on your team? When you are busy doing your actual job – seeing patients, performing procedures – we’re busy behind the scenes figuring out how to make your practice the most rewarding it can be. First off, we make sure our providers get their payments. We make daily reconciliations between what the billing software tells us and what the
Our analytics are designed to give you a firm grasp of what’s going on right now in your practice. Are case counts up or down? Do I have the hard facts needed for contract negotiations? We make weekly client distributions make sense. Ask us how we can brighten the picture for your practice.